Monday, December 31, 2007

Is this the end my friend?

Well it's New Year's Eve, and again I'm alone. Will 2008 be my year? Will I finally find happiness? Will I find the man I've been looking for my entire life? Doubtful. There is someone that I do care about, but he has told me point blank he does not want a girlfriend, he's just looking for someone to screw, so to speak. I'm not all about that. So I really don't see the point of trying to see him. Well I don't mean not seeing him and hanging out I mean as in any kind of relationship ya know. It's all good though. I'm going to make this year my year. I'm doing it for me. Everything is going to be about me no one else just me. And if people don't like it oh well. This is my time to shine and I'm gonna do ME!!!! Well I've got to go clean and all that jazz that goes with it.. so I can get things ready.. so until next time..........

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Mood Swings

Just trying to figure out how things can be so good one minute, then be a complete asshole to you the next. I didn't know what i did to deserve it. But I got major attitude tonight. i was just trying to be nice and sincere, and caring. then i got a big go fuck yourself pretty much. I really wanted him to come see me the end of february or the beging of march.. And as long as granpda and I get along until that time i'm sure that he would let him stay here. Which would be so awesome. then we wouldnt have to pay for a hotel room or anything, maybe if i clean out the back room and get that done before feb then he'll let Adrian come over. I dont want to end our friendship the way it happened tonight. I really do care about him as a friend. The only thing is he he doesn't like to talk about his feelings I guess like any other man. But I do truely care for him. as a friend and maybe who knows what will happen in the future maybe something will come of it.

Also I'm kind of stressed out about Social Security, I mean I don't want to live off it forever, but I NEED money to be able to live, and it would help out so much. Besides if I need something for school I won't have to ask for any money from my grandfather. I just hope and pray that he lets Adrian come stay for the weekend. That would be awesome. Well, I guess that i'm going to go for now.... I'll write again soon i'm sure.. thanks for reading

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

So it's Christmas...........

It's christmas evening. I cooked dinner, ate a little bit but it just didnt seem the same. Granny wasn't hear to share it with us. I really didnt' expect many gifts either, but i did get some things that i really liked it was pretty cool. I spoke with adrian again today. just to wish him a merry christmas. It just doesnt seem possible that i can like someone the way i like him. i want to take it slow, yet a part of me wants to push him far far away. and i feel that same thing coming from him like the pushing part. he bit my head off yesterday when i called and he said i dont want to talk to ANYONE and we hung up. i felt like saying sorry i bothered you. but i just said i'd talk to you later and let it go. part of me really wants to get to know him even better but yet part of me wants to push him so far away that he will either hate me or never want to speak with me again. i know thats sick... and i told him today that i just want someone who is going to like me for me and eventually love me and fall in love with me for the person that i am. Is that wrong? i've never really had a good relationship with men in my entire life. it started when i was litttle and ended when i got rid of Greg. i really dont have much more to write at the moment but i will be back to finish this.............. next time...........

Monday, December 24, 2007

I just don't know what to do with myself anymore

I'm so confused about everything anymore. It's almost christmas and it just doesnt feel the same without granny here. its just weird. i'm really not sure what to do with myself. i just want to get high on anything or everything and or just get this shit over with and end it all........ i dont know what the fuck is wrong with me. I really like this guy and i keep pushing him away... i guess i'm just scared. That he's going to hurt me in the long run. He was really sweet, and he's easy to talk to, then he get's weird and doesnt want to talk, I just dont know what to do with anything anymore... like why the hell do guys have to play head games... i'm going to watch my new movie i got for xmas........... i just want to be left alone

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Life will be okay

Today I got up early and went to court... no no not for myself this time, actually it was to observe a lawyer and interview him for a class project in school. He asked me to come and observe him tomorrow as well. So that's pretty cool. I'm diggin it! He was very nice. Tomorrow he has a couple of guilty plea's and then some appointments in his office, and we may be going to lunch i'm not sure. other than that everything is good... still confused about how i feel but i'm starting to see things a little more clearly now.... maybe someday i'll be clear. lol.... ya know. tonight is the christmas party for bowling.. yeah i'm in a league.. i suck!! i'm a terrible bowler... but i go to have fun and thats what i do... for some reason today i just feel okay with everything going on.. life couldnt get better for now.. my sister and my awesome little nephew are coming up this weekend for christmas and i can't wait to see them i havent seen them since thanksgiving.. it will be so great. well that's all for now i've got to go get ready.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Better Man

I was listening to this song.. I'm sure you've heard it.. by Pearl Jam and the lyrics really just hit home...

Waitin', watchin' the clock, it's four o'clock, it's got to stop
Tell him, take no more, she practices her speech
As he opens the door, she rolls over...
Pretends to sleep as he looks her over

She lies and says she's in love with him, can't find a better man...
She dreams in color, she dreams in red, can't find a better man...
Can't find a better man
Can't find a better man

Talkin' to herself, there's no one else who needs to know...
She tells herself, oh...Memories back when she was bold and strong
And waiting for the world to come along...
Swears she knew it, now she swears he's gone

She lies and says she's in love with him, can't find a better man...
She dreams in color, she dreams in red, can't find a better man...
She lies and says she still loves him, can't find a better man...
She dreams in color, she dreams in red, can't find a better man...
Can't find a better man
Can't find a better man

She loved him, yeah...
she don't want to leave this way
She feeds him, yeah...
that's why she'll be back again

Can't find a better man
Can't find a better man
Can't find a better man
Can't find a better... man...

it really makes me think that i cant find a better man... i try and try to look and look in all the wrong places.. so i'm going to stop looking for love and let it find me this time. i'm sick and tired of trying to make relationships work.. there is/was someone i really like or liked or something i just don't know anymore how i feel. i think i got the answer that i was looking for the day i was told there was no reply for an email... that wall that everyone puts up went right back up higher than it's ever been and i dont know if i can let it down even slightly.. i don't think i want to. i've done it one too many times and i've gotten nothing but heartache and hurt. and i dont want to cry over someone again. i used to have this dream i'd meet the man i was going to marry when i was 20 and we'd start having kids by time i was 25 and we'd be a happy family. Dreams change... life happens... look at me now i'm 28 years old.. been convicted of many crimes all which i did.. i have a problem i deal with that every single day it will never go away and i can slip at any time at all. i also suffer from an eating disorder which isnt good. and to top it off i'm on medication for Bipolar II disorder.. which could be from all the abuse i dealt with my entire life. that's why i associate abuse with love... if i'm being abused in some way then they love me... am i fucked up or what? yeah yeah yeah i know i know.. you dont have to tell me i live in my head 24-7. actually when i'm on my meds i'm not a bad person. i'm very down to earth and i just want someone to love me for everything that i am. is that really to much to ask? seriously? i dont know. it seems to be at times.. let's see where did my problems really start besides my home life, i'm not really sure, school maybe. i hated school. even though i'm a bright person i really didnt care for school too much. go figure. now i'm in school taking paralegal studies. it will be a new thing to be on the other side of the law for once in my life. i'm actually not doing too shabby in the classes either one class i have a 94.5% and the other class i have an 88.7% it's a little harder to follow i had a hard time following that in the begining but thats just because my brain goes so much faster that i can't comprehend what i'm reading at times and there was so much reading that i didnt take everything in that i should have... but i have two weeks off so i'm going to be workin my ass off to catch up and get things rollin....... but that's all i have for now.. so until next time...........

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Another Brick in the Wall

So here am I again........ tryin to hold my head up..... chin up big girls don't cry........ don't show any emotions.... if you do it proves you're weak..... weak people don't make it in this world... no.... Did you expect more? really? no not really... you kind of wish it were true... but you know deep down inside what they really want... sometimes i think that's all i'm good for.... every time i say i'm giving up on men... i'm giving up on them.. then i meet someone i really start liking..... and i get disappointed and hurt all over again.. maybe i wear my heart on my sleeve... i'd just like to have love..... that's it... and it's not going to happen for me.... i've thought about it and come to terms with it some what... maybe i'm just not meant for love in my life like that.. could i live by myself the rest of my life? alone?
I did for a year and a half.... it was ok.. lonely..... but ok...
Sheer sadness has fallen over me this past week and I'm not sure where it's coming from... is it from the weather? or from someplace deep inside me where there is no light? that dark place in my life keeps trying to call me back..... slowly every day, knocking on the door.. i'm right here let me in... i'm the only true love you've ever had in your life.. remember how happy i made you when we were together....... when i was gone you'd do anything to get me back..... come on.... just one more time... we can be together again..... you'll be happy until i'm gone.. then that guilty feeling comes back like what did i just do.. omg.... what did i do.. one more time just one more time.... maybe this time death will come upon me, death can be my best friend again..... trying to get there faster then i'm supposed to but i'm trying..... help me to get there you want to... that's why you come into my life you don't want to see me succeed in anything i do.. why try to succeed, when you can have me and be happy for that split second...... and you don't need anyone or any thing else in your life... just one more..... one more.......... one more....... just do another one come on you know you want've been with me for days more time....... your heart is racing i can feel it...pounding so hard in your'll be mine soon..... soon we can be together forever........... just one more time.....that's right...put it to your mouth.... feel how good it makes you feel....... you're in ecstacy....... your heart is beating so hard in your chest now......... you cant breath hold it in just a little longer......... hear those bells.........god it feels sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good.............. your head drops to your chest you start to convulse.......... your heart stopped beating..... there's no one around to help you this time just me and i'm calling you.......... don't go back just come to me....... i'll be your friend til the end just like chuckie......... you love me....... you have since the first night we met.... you fell in love with me and you'll always be in love with me.... no one can come between us now.............. it's me and you forever...... you're mine.. you came back after two years with out me and you're mine... now and forever........ til death do us part.......... you took the vow and i took your life.......
sometimes i feel like going into that place again....... but i stop myself... i dont go when things get bad and i think about it...... i smell it...... i dream about it... i taste it i still dont go back........ i can beat it i will beat it..... i can do it!

well i'm going to go for now...... until next time

Friday, December 14, 2007

Maybe I'm the one Who's the SCHIZOPHRENIC PSYCHO


So as I was saying before i left i gotta get the fuck outta here......... i'm going nuts.. thats it.. i heard a song today by Puddle of Mudd. called Psycho..... that's where i got the title to this out put of my emotions cuz if i dont get them out i'm gonna flip. and i dont really want to i'll go into that bad place.................. ew......... mean..... nasty........... it didn't help that i woke up to ignorance this morning........ it probably also didn't help that i saw someone today that i wish i wouldn't ever see again.... but it may have happened for a reason... Sincere....... fuckin asshole of my life.... "I thought that was you girl. Where you been? I talked to ya girl one time she told me where u were. I havent heard from you. How are you? You know you're still mine." hahahahaha....... and thats exactly what i did... laughed in his face. you don't control me anymore asshole.. i'm not that little nieve girl you met back in the day.... i'm not that girl you can take advantage of anymore. go back to brooklyn and leave me the fuck alone!! that's what i wanted to say.. But I didn't I just laughed at him.... like are you for real? I said my life is good now... I don't have the bullshit to deal with... the drama that you and your cousin brought me and the ignorance i had to deal with when i was dealing with you. then i got the look, that same look he had in his eyes that day when he had the gun in his hand.... and i knew he was serious in a way.. and he really wanted me in his life again. i can't do it.. i cant get those calls when he knows i'm getting money i'm not playing wifey while he's fuckin whoever he wants...

I just need him out of my life.... I told him that it was nice to see him and i hope he's happy in all he does but my life is just to hectic to have him in it and that was that... yeah he followed me and tried to talk me out of it tried to tell me "he still loves me" he still thinks about me all the time... well i don't sorry.. it's just not there and hasnt been for the longest... so i kinda lied and told him i was with someone and we were very happy together.. he wanted to know who he was and where he was from.... yikes...... think think think...... oh ok..... got it.. i know just who i can say...... so i gave him some bs about this dude i was fuckin with ........... kevin..... lol well i'm not really fuckin with him...... i dont know what we're doing........ he's too much of a play boy for me.... he thinks he's big pimpin....... but not really.......... he can be my sugar daddy though i dont mind that one bit... actually....... he kind of is in a way i guess... since i've been back up here i've seen him once we went out i had fun... first time in a long time... he came to see me when i lived in lock haven, we talked for a bit. got to know each other then we chilled after my sister's benefit in march.... he's just too young and has no morals and doesnt care who he does as long as it has a pussy..... and thats just nasty.... i'm sorry but it is! and i'm not down with that shit.. he wanted to date me but if i'm dating someone or seeing someone i'd like to be the only one that they are seeing as well. maybe i'm different or maybe i'm just through with the player player shit... i out grew that shit when i met marvin... well after greg really and everything he did to me...

i've thought alot about cutting again.... it would be so easy and no one would know....... and i would feel so much better........ and i wouldn't have to answer to anyone...... i was so embarrassed when greg walked in on me when i was doing that....... i have so many scars and each one has a great significance to what i was going through at that point in my life. it's the way i deal with my hurt... when i was little my hurt dealt with food...... that's probably why i'm so fat today....... i never really knew what true unconditonal love was until marvin...... he didnt hit me..... choke me... punch me......... tell me what a slut i was..... that i was a whore... he just loved me... and i didnt understand how someone could love someone else and not want to hit them...... or tell them what a waste of space they were..... i heard that almost every day when i was growing up.. my father wasnt very nice to me at times... well mostly he wasnt nice to me at all.. i wasn't a boy.. he's told me he wished he didnt have kids until my brother... i am the oldest of 5..... he should put me in foster care... that i'm too fat.... i need to lose weight because no guys date fat girls they don't care about them at all... the biggest fear i ever had as a child was that he would wake up in the middle of the night and start hitting me for no reason....... when that finally happened to me i lost all faith in anything and everything........ there was nothing to save me anymore... i remember praying to God every night please don't let my daddy be mad at me tonight....... that night i was really sleeping.. he thought i was pretending to sleep, i've been hit with every and anything he could get his hands on that was close, he's hit me with a 2 by 4 piece of wood before.... i still have the broken blood vessel on my leg where it happened...... i have so many things i need to work on getting over and i try so hard but it seems that it doesnt work...
and i always fall for these guys then they hit me or threaten me and i fall in love... like what the fuck is wrong with me.. it's the way i was programmed since i was little thats what i thought love was. when you hit someone you showed them how much you loved them... and greg was perfect... he told me every day what a slut i was... and hit me just about everyday by the end of our relationship.. he knew i wanted him to love me sooo much he said it once and when i asked him why he said that bcuz he didnt mean it he told me i wanted to hear that but that's not what he really said.. and after he'd beat the shit out of me i'd be bruised and bloody he'd try to kiss and make up and tell me that it was my fault he did that to me... if i just didn't make him mad he wouldn't have hit me it was my fault... it was always my fault... but i loved him... i'm so stupid for thinking that i did.. because i didn't.. not really.. then i met marvin.. and it was so much different.. we talked for a long time and got real playful with each other then one day he grabbed me when i was walking by and just kissed me it blew me away.. i didnt know how to react.. i got so embarrassed my face turned so red..... he ran away like a little boy....... and it started the best 2 years of my life..... until, it ended so abruptly.... that i didn't know what happened and i needed closier.... i still do in a way but, i don't in a way either it was meant to be like that.. a clean break... we were good for each other then and we were meant to be together then... promises arent always meant to be kept and it wasnt meant to be between us.. and i'm ok with that now.. if you would've asked me a year ago i would still be feeling hurt by this... i hope he's happy.. i really truely do.. i hope that he's found someone who's made him happy... someone who will always make him happy and will love him and never hurt him.

Everyone is looking for love... that one person that will make them feel special, that will be there for them through anything and everything they face in their life and will love them unconditionally with all their heart forever.. sometimes people find that and sometimes they think they do... i'm looking for that kind of love i wish i could find it...... i have serious doubts that i ever will.... i hope to someday maybe even tomorrow i'll meet that person who is perfect for me. Maybe i've already met him and just havent realized it yet, maybe i have realized it he just hasn't who knows whats really in store for me at this point in time? i sure don't and i don't know what way i'm going to choose when i get to that fork in the road... maybe i'll take the road less traveled and just go for it..... put my all into something that i have no idea what's going to happen and go for it....... if i knew what was really going on with my "friend" and his thoughts and feelings and everything else then...... i could choose my road.......

Sometimes I wish i could pack all my belongings rent a car and just leave........ go someplace....... start my life over..... there's someone i would like to take with me when i go....... it doesnt mean that i wouldnt keep in touch with my family because i would..... i love my family....... and i would come back to see them...... to spend time with them or whatever.......
but there is someone that i want to go get and we can just go to where ever the road takes us.............. and just get out of here....... oh i dont know but i need to go and make something to eat....... it is around that time......... i will be back............ so wait for another installment

I Gotta Get Outta Here!!!!!

I don't know what to do I just want to run away........ Far far far away... leave all this behind and say fuck it. But for what? Really? Because I'm sick of being told what to do and when to do it every single day? Yeah that's a big part of it, but there's also a little more on my mind as well..... HIM..... I want to be so close to him, yet a part of me says no don't do it. Then I think how will I ever know if I don't take a chance in life? If I don't then I'll always have those thoughts, would it have worked? could it have worked out? was it just a lust type deal? was it just a friends with benefits deal??? I'll never know unless I try right? Besides life is about the choices we make and the roads we travel. When you're at a fork in the road which way do you go, the more comfortable one for you? Or do you take that chance? Do you put everything on the line? Do you put everything out there? Can you put your all into it again? And risk being hurt? Can you say fuck it and just try? See where life takes you? You can make it, you've done it before in life. You've been in shelters, incarcerated, with no where to live. You've lived in your car in the middle of January with a 1/8th tank of gas and no where to go. When it was below freezing and the only thing you had was the clothes on your back. You're still alive. When Greg left you in the Bronx with no place to live you made it. It may have taken you some time but you made it. I think of those nights, the thoughts I was 24 years old, and in the city walking with my little bag with everything I had at the time all I owned, I could have been raped and beaten and killed and no one would've known. I just would've been gone. Greg didn't care. He really fucked up my life. But that was the choice I made. I let him in it. He's dead to me now. I don't know where he is and I don't care really. As long as he's happy with his life and he's doing well now. I hope rehab helped him! He did need it that is for sure. I really need to get ready to go. I'm supposed to be going shopping.. I just had so much on my mind this morning.. I just want to be happy again. Like I was with Marvin. He just loved me for no reason at all I didn't see it that's for sure. But, he did. I want that kind of happiness back. I want to feel that again. Those thoughts where I can trust someone so completely with everything in my being and love them so unconditionally, and know they felt that same feeling for you. I've a long way since him though and I'm stronger because of him. So, it all comes down to how I feel now. With this new person in my life. My new "friend", even though he's not such a new friend. We have talked for some time. I just never realized who he was until now. Now I have to figure it all out. I just wonder how he truely feels. If he really wants oh I don't know. Maybe I'm just living a pipe dream... Hoping for something....... someone......... and it will never really happen.. Sometimes I wonder was I really meant to be alone? Oh.. this is enough for now. I do have to go get my shopping done. I will write more later tonight I'm sure. I have too much on my mind to not write. So until the next installment....................

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hello Delilah

I wish someone would write a song like that for me... it's so sweet and sincere... i just dont know if i will ever have anyone in my life who would love me like that.. it's possible, i suppose, i guess it's just the holliday's that get me depressed about things. but i'm gonna let it go one day at a time and see where this crazy world takes me. and that's about it for now i just have some stuff on my mind.. and can't really express myself at the moment i dont really know how to get it out is all i guess. well good bye for now... i'll be back soon to continue my story... perhaps i'll get into more detail on my background and why i am the person i am today... until next time i wish u all the best of days and happiness in everything you do

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Hello Darkness My Old Friend... I've Come To Talk To You Again

I've been thinking a lot about things these last few days as you know...It sometimes makes me wonder where I'd be if i was still out there in the "darkness".... would i still be on this earth? would anyone really ever miss me? where would i be? would i be in jail? in a homeless shelter? definitely not where i am today. Would i be in my nephew's life? would my family care? would my "friends"? would i be into the same thing i was or worse? My mom got a letter from Tony a couple weeks ago he's in state prison for drugs.... he did so good when he was staying up here then he went back with his mom I've got to write him a letter i think my mom said he got 3-5 years but he's trying to get boot camp.. maybe he'll change his ways he's got to get outta the city to be able to do anything with his life though... i miss him every once in a while, he did live with us for a long time... just like Vince staying with us.... he was just like one of my brothers too... i cant believe its been a year and a half since he passed away... i remember when i took him to the Bronx with me... omg chamie was decent to him... he usually didn't like to deal with the guys i dealt with... but when i told him he was like my brother then it was OK. lol... the hotel that we stayed in for 4hrs with the hooker walking up and down the strip in front of it .ewwwwww that was sooo nasty.. lol... then when him and rude decided to go hunting and wrecked the car well my dad's car when i was the only one supposed to be driving it... and they figured I'd get into trouble about it...

then there's these dreams I've been having lately.. and they seem so real yet when i wake up alone...... it seems so frustrating... i hate it!! i wish he was here with me... it would be so nice..... he says he has feelings for me.. do i believe him? should i believe him? should i trust him? should i just go with it? what the hell do i do? it's so frustrating.. and i hate it... i just want to go back into that "darkness" and forget..... try to forget... but i don't want to really.... he says if he had a car he'd be up here to see me all the time.. but i can't go see him right now just because of what I'm dealing with since my gram died and I've been staying here with my grandfather taking care of him.. which is not an easy thing to do... but I'm trying my best to deal with it that's for sure... it was a big change from the last year of my life... well, i just don't know right now...

i have a paper due on Tuesday night for school, i think i should do fine with that. the more i get into what I'm learning the more i like it.. i just wish i had a little more time to do other things.. I've decided to start watching comedies to take my minds off of things just because I've been so stressed out about everything else that's going on that watching something funny just seems to help everything else seem OK for the moment... it helps to take my mind off things. OK well everyone I'm about to be out for the night.. i have a lot of things to do tonight and i hope to be able to sleep tonight... good night until next time

Being confused really sux!

You know being confused really sux!! I hate being confused... still being confused over the same guy..........god if i could go and just chill with him for a while we could see whats really up or if its gonna just work out as friends... i hate having feelings for someone and i dont know what to do... maybe i should just i dont know........ i'm confused i feel stupid feeling confused about this kind of stuff i'm never confused about shit like this i usually have my head on straight... the only other time i was even a little confused about what to do had to do was with Marvin and that was when i was moving away and he was nervous that i was gonna find someone else and i waited the 7 months for him then another year and a half........ all i keep thinkin is that song by Jaheim..... Lookin for love in all the wrong places......... that's me that's for sure....... so i stopped lookin.... now i'm ready to actually have a relationship... yeah i can say for sure i'm ready.. i have my own issues to deal with but, i'm dealing with them and i think that it's time to have a realtionship or date someone at least idk....... or start something i think maybe...oh i'm going to make something to eat now.......... i'll be back to write more eventually though.....

Friday, December 7, 2007

What should I really do about how I feel?

So let's see.... where should i begin? i guess the begining would be a good place to start... there's this guy i'm really feelin him.... well i was. well i dont know how i feel anymore right now.. everything was ok we were talkin or whatever, then he started actin real funny stopped callin, now he's fuckin with some other girl, but has feelings for me........ wow.... i just dont know... i dont think he planned on really telling me about the girl i think it kind of slipped out... which it did hurt my feelings a bit, i guess i wear my heart on my sleeve and i shouldn't i know better than that. i didnt wear my heart on my sleeve with Marvin... but then again he was my bitch... i felt like the man in the relationship and i didnt really like that much either i like a man who's gonna speak up and tell me off once in a while fuckin at least stand up to me when i get in my moods... then Jeremiah came back into my life after like 5 years of not speaking at all, it was weird, like i was floored when i realized who it was.. like wow... it got me confused for a little bit like why r u coming back now? every time things go wrong with a guy it makes me miss Marvin so much and I sometimes wish I knew where he was and that he was ok. I worry about him too much he's a big boy and knows what he's doing I just pray that he's really ok.
I've been so lonely the last year its pathetic... I just can't seem to find anyone that matches up to what I had with Marvin, I really did love him and still do in a way it's not the same anymore, and it changes everyday goes away a little more and a little more, it's been a year and a half since we talked at all. Everything changed between us that day in may........ we both made a stupid decision we were so in love and wanted to be together and just couldnt wait...... I for one was definately not thinking clearly... but I also knew what he was going through as well. Maybe it's just as well and we're just bad for each other. And I think that I'm ok with that now it took me a long time to get to that point, but at least i'm there now. but this guy......... he just wont get out of my head and i dont know what to do about it anymore... i know it wont work out right now between us but that doesnt mean that it would never work... i guess if we wanted it to but i dont know how he feels and i dont know...........i wish i could just clear my head of all thoughts and just forget anything that i may have started as far as my feelings go....... ya know... i did get advice from my friend and he told me to move on......... not to even fuck with the dude anymore..... that i'm just gonna get hurt...... well he said alot more than that but thats between us but i needed a mans pov on the situation so i told him everything, cuz i knew i could tell him anything and he would give me his honest opinion, just because we been down together for a long time since 01..... and i love him i can honestly say i got love for him as a friend and i have loved him since that night i told him to fall back and break his neck.....and from that point he had to know who i was........god we made nights go by in that fuckin place....... we had each other... if we didn't i dont know what i would've done thats for sure. And I love him for that time we shared together...
But there's something about this other guy....... he seems so much different....... i can talk to him about my crazy ass........ and i am nutz in a way..... my own way....... i'm just me, i like him ALOT, and i dont know what to do about that....... i dont know.. i just really don't know and it scares me to not know about what to do bcuz i always know the next step i'm going to take when i'm doing something... but with him he's got me so confused about how i feel about everything i dont know what i'm doing anymore..... maybe someday..... i dont know maybe we should hang out and see where it goes....... or if it doesn't.... right.......... well that's all i have to say right now....... my brain just can't comprehend anything at the moment i feel very depressed well not depressed, so much as confused and sad, and angry, and just lots of feelings all rolled up into one......... so i'm done writing for right now...... i think i'm going to lay down and take a nap........ g'nite for now............until next time