Monday, December 31, 2007

Is this the end my friend?

Well it's New Year's Eve, and again I'm alone. Will 2008 be my year? Will I finally find happiness? Will I find the man I've been looking for my entire life? Doubtful. There is someone that I do care about, but he has told me point blank he does not want a girlfriend, he's just looking for someone to screw, so to speak. I'm not all about that. So I really don't see the point of trying to see him. Well I don't mean not seeing him and hanging out I mean as in any kind of relationship ya know. It's all good though. I'm going to make this year my year. I'm doing it for me. Everything is going to be about me no one else just me. And if people don't like it oh well. This is my time to shine and I'm gonna do ME!!!! Well I've got to go clean and all that jazz that goes with it.. so I can get things ready.. so until next time..........

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